Post #8 S.O.S. – Designers who suffer from it and the women who love them

Note: In addition to being a year since my last blog post, this blog started about seven or eight months ago, so some things have changed since I initially wrote it. It makes it all the more relevant, just stay tuned you’ll see what I mean. If you haven’t heard the term before, SOS stands…

Post #3- Let’s Play a Game

Play testing, it’s what most Game Designers live for and die trying to accomplish. My business partner, Cesar, and I started playing One Letter Better at work on our lunch break. He’s almost 20 years younger than I am but we’re pretty equally matched. He took the game home and played with his girlfriend who…

Post #1- Starting at Zero

So I am most certainly not what you would call a “gamer“. I played DND in high school which was more than four decades ago, quite possibly first edition. My immediate family and I have a tradition of playing Monopoly on New Year’s Eve because  it’s the only time we all stay up late at the same…